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SSAR Support Platform

Global Core Group

The Global Compact on Refugees highlights the importance of leadership and engagement by groups of States willing to mobilize contributions in support of the work of Support Platforms. This was the basis for the creation of a Core Group for the Support Platform for the Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees (SSAR). UNHCR and the three countries at the helm of the initiative – Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan – invite States to express their interest in becoming members of an SSAR Core Group. From the outset, the aim was to involve partners who can demonstrate sustained engagement and solidarity with the Afghan refugee situation and who intend to make concrete commitments in support of solutions, with an emphasis on additional contributions. 

As of October 2024, the Kingdom of the Netherlands assumed chairmanship of the SSAR Support Platform from the State of Qatar. The chairmanship is rotational on an annual basis among its members. UNHCR provides secretariat support for both the Support Platform and the Core Group and its Chair.

The current members of the Core Group are Denmark, the European Union, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, Qatar, Switzerland, the Republic of Türkiye, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, as well as the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme and IOM. 

Recent Global Core Group engagements: 

Summary Recommendations Pillar 1-3 Consultations

Pillar 3 Consultations (October 2024)
Concept Note

Pillar 2 Consultations (August 2024)
Concept Note 

Pillar 1 consultations (June 2024)
Concept Note 


SSAR Support Platform - Civil Society Consultations in Community-Based Protection Approaches to Local Integration
Summary Report 
Background Note