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Official Transition of Chairmanship of the SSAR Support Platform from the State of Qatar to the Kingdom on the Netherlands

22 October 2024  |  Source: UNHCR
Category: Press

On 17 October 2024, on the margins of the 75th plenary session of UNHCR’s Executive Committee, the Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees (SSAR) Support Platform marked an important milestone with the official transition of the Chairmanship from the State of Qatar to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The hybrid meeting brought together representatives from both States, along with UNHCR Assistant High Commissioner for Operations Raouf Mazou, UNHCR Regional Director for Asia Hai Kyung Jun, and members of the Global SSAR Core Group. All participants expressed their appreciation for Qatar’s leadership over the past year and extended a warm welcome to the Netherlands as the new Chair. 


Interventions from members centered on the need for collective international action to secure durable solutions for Afghan refugees, with members highlighting the importance of continued support for Iran and Pakistan as host countries. They also emphasized exploring options for voluntary repatriation, local integration, and resettlement. Qatar, as the outgoing Chair, stressed the importance of addressing the root causes of displacement to ensure long-term solutions. In this regard, significant concerns were raised about the worsening protection environment in Afghanistan, particularly the challenges facing women and girls

As new Chair, the Netherlands is committed to uphold the vital role that the SSAR Support Platform continues to play in coordinating international efforts to support Afghan refugees and their host communities.